White and Black

National Academy of Arts of Ukraine
The works are presented by artists including Nazar Bilyk, Yuriy Vakulenko, Oleksandr Dubovyk, Olesia Dzhuraieva, Oleksandr Zhyvotkov, Egor Zigura, Oleksandr Klymenko, Anatoliy Kryvolap,
Pavlo Makov, Mykola Matsenko, Roman Minin, Anna Mironova, Arsen Savadov, Sergey Sviatchenko, Viktor Sydorenko, Tiberiy Silvashi, Marina Skugareva, and Oleg Tistol.
The exhibitions title itself carries dualistic emotions and complex associations that give rise to optimistic thoughts since it is known that the darkest time is just before dawn, symbolizing hope for renewal, making the right decisions, and a positive future.
The monochrome nature of the artworks brings the viewer closer to understanding the significance of the events our society is experiencing. The artists create a space for collective reflections, where
visual objects contain a shared internal program encoding the history of their creation. The authors guide us to grasp the content persistently and tactfully— not through the logic of construction but
through the plasticity, not through the unambiguity of black and white colors but through the overall mood.